Edit the link types, sizes and flow characteristics.
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This function allows you to define up to 15 different link types or culverts between nodes. These links can be circular (pipes), rectangular (box culverts), portal/skew haunch, or custom link types.
Custom link types allow you to input the depth to proportional flow and depth to proportional area curves, thus enabling the use of non-standard culvert shapes such as egg-shaped pipes, portal culverts or even parabolic channels.
They are then applied when creating new nodes and links.
The defaults are normally read from the ProgramData directory when creating a new data file, unless the SetSharedFolder utility has been run to set a shared network resource. The SetSharedFolder utility is on the installation CD.
If no data set is open and the defaults are changed, the changes are saved in either the ProgramData directory or in the Shared Folder, if it has been set.
If a data set is open the changes are stored with that data set.
All these settings can be individually changed in the Edit Node or Edit Link functions, or on selected (marked) nodes and links using the Set Parameters function.
The Link Table displays.
Define the range of links this design/analysis uses.
Name - This page allows you to define the link type name, link type, and friction factors.
Sizes - This page allows you to specify the range of link sizes that are used. The columns in the sizes table vary depending on the link type.
Flow Curve - This table allows you to define the link flow curve as a proportion of flow depth.