This lists the possible headings and the contents for a road design file (".nn.des").
PI Name, Radius, Transition length In, Transition length Out, PI Hor Ord, PI Ver Ord, Curve No, PI Offset
Indicator, Chainage, Radius, Y Coord, X Co-ord, Tangent length, Curve No
Layer No, Text
(for Single Carriageway)
(for Dual Carriageway)
VPI chainage, VPI elevation, Curve Length
VPI chainage, VPI elevation, Curve Length
Chainage, %XflLeft, %XflRight, WLeft, WRight, RoundingFlag, TempNo
Chainage, %Xfall Left, %Xfall Right, Rounding
(for Single Carriageway)
Chainage, Width Left, Width Right
(for Dual Carriageway)
Chainage, Cl/Pivot Left, Pivot/SBP Left, Pivot/MBP Left, Cl/Pivot Right, Pivot/SBP Right, Pivot/MBP Right
Chainage, Template No
Number, DOSpath+title
[ManHole Coord]
Manhole Name=MH Y Coord, MH X Coord
MHx=Manhole Name, MH Chainage, Ground Level, MH Pipe