


Single Carriageway

Select this option for single carriageway roads.

Dual Carriageway

Select this option for dual carriageway roads.

Extract from CAD entities

Stake Line

Select this checkbox to extract the stake line from the drawing.

Vertical Alignment

Select this checkbox to extract the vertical alignment from the drawing.

Left Edge String

Select this checkbox to extract the left road edge from the drawing.

Left Median String

Select this checkbox to extract the left median edge from the drawing.

Only available for a dual carriageway road.

Right Pivot String

Select this checkbox to extract the right pivot line, and right vertical alignment, from the drawing.

Only available for a dual carriageway road.

Right Edge String

Select this checkbox to extract the right road edge from the drawing.

Right Median String

Select this checkbox to extract the right median edge from the drawing.

Only available for a dual carriageway road.