Zoom Named View

Zoom the active viewport to show a predefined named view.



Shortcut Key





This function allows you to zoom into views that have previously been defined and named.

You must have named views defined before you can use this function.


If you have split the drawing into multiple viewports, you need to click in the viewport you want to zoom to make it the active viewport. The active viewport will be highlighted with a yellow rectangle on it's borders.

To zoom into a named viewport which has been predefined:

  1. Select View ► Zoom ► Zoom Named View or press [Z]+[N]. If you use the keyboard option and press [Z], the pop-up Zoom menu displays. You can now either select the Zoom Named View option or press [N] to initiate the function.

  1. Any named views defined in the drawing display in the Select Named View for Zoom window.

  1. Select the required named view from the list and click OK.

  1. The active viewport zooms to the view defined by the named view you selected.