


Plot Setup

Sheet File

Displays the name of the selected sheet file.

Ellipsis button (...)

Click to browse for a sheet file.

Sheet Size

Select the size of the paper sheet to be created for each layout plot. The selected sheet file will be scaled to this size.

Create Layouts and dynamically update plots when the data changes

Select this option to create one or more layouts that will automatically be updated if the drawing or design changes.

Generate separate drawings

Select this option to create individual drawings as inCivil Designer 6.x.

Export to Survey

Select this checkbox to create the drawing in survey coordinates, otherwise they will be created in Cartesian coordinates (paper space).

Publish viewports in 3D

Select this checkbox to create the individual drawings with 3D coordinates. If this checkbox is not selected, the drawing will be created in 2D, i.e. the Z coordinates will all be set to 0.0.

Scale Lineweights

This option is only enabled when the Generate separate drawing option is selected, as it only applies when the plot generate output is a DR4 drawing.
Selecting this option if you want lineweights in the generated output DR4 drawing to be scaled to match the scaling of the drawing geometry. Deselect this option if you want lineweights in the generated output DR4 drawing to retain their width "on paper".

If you need to scale lineweights in an existing drawing, you can use the script "Scalelineweights.a4s".