Depending on the active function, the Control Bar will display additional information and/or options.

This bar is always displayed when no function is active. If a function is active, it does not display a bar of its own.

This bar cannot be hidden.




Pen button

Click to select the current drawing colour. All new entities take on the current colour.

Layer combo

Select the layer that should be the current layer. All new entities reside on the current layer. Right-click the dropdown list to open the Layer Settings.

Linestyle combo

Select the linestyle that should be the current linestyle. All new entities take on the current linestyle. Right-click the dropdown list to open the Linestyle Settings.

Pen Thickness combo

Select the pen thickness that should be the current thickness. All new entities take on the current thickness.


Enter the elevation, in drawing units, to be assigned to the next entered point. This assigns the third dimension to all points entered, and is only valid while drawing.

Prompt/Control area

The area below the buttons and dropdown lists is used to display prompts, and also hosts relevant bars during drawing functions.