Home > Applications > Toolkit > Survey > Sectional Plan > Generate > Block Plan
Trace the outside figure and generate a block plan.
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This function allows you to trace the outside figure of a section and generate the block plan with an optional table of sides and distances.
Click Yes if you want to specify or change the corner point labels; or click No to use the standard range of label names from A-Z.
Indicate first corner of outside figure
The snap mode changes to point snap. Click on a corner of the outside figure.
Enter a suitable corner point label and press [Enter].
Indicate next corner of outside figure (Re-indicate start to end)
Indicate each of the corner points in sequence, until you get back to the first point.
Make the necessary changes and click OK to proceed.
Click Yes for a table listing sides and directions.
Click No to not include a table in the block plan.
If you click Yes:
Position top left corner of table
Click where the top left corner of the table should be placed.
Enter notes and click OK to proceed.
Indicate position for figure