Trace Figure

Create an SG diagram.








This function allows you to define the figure to be included in the SG diagram. Set the diagram defaults using the Survey Diagram setup.


  1. You are prompted to:

Click Yes to enter corner labels as you define them; or No for no corner labels.

  1. You are prompted to:

Indicate first corner of outside figure

  1. Indicate the first consistency point graphically.

  2. You are prompted to:

  1. Accept the displayed label or type in a new label, and then click Enter  to proceed.

  2. You are prompted to:

Indicate next corner of outside figure (Re-indicate start to end)

With every additional corner point, the label is automatically incremented.

  1. Click on the first point to terminate the function and generate the SG diagram.

  2. The SG Diagram Text options display, allowing you to change certain default text items defined in the SG Diagram setup.

  1. Click OK once you are satisfied with the text items.

  2. The SG Diagram Scale Preview displays. This shows the current paper size set up in Toolkit > Survey > SG Diagram > Setup and allows you to specify the desired scale by seeing what the traced figure perimeter will look like at that scale.

  1. Specify the desired scale and click OK.
  1. If you had checked the Additional notes option in the options window, you can enter notes in the following window.

  1. Click OK to proceed.

  1. The SG diagram is generated and you are asked to position the figure in the sheet.

  2. Position the cursor at the required point and then click.