Set up how the splay must be drawn using this window. The splay is created by indicating sides (1) and (2).




Create splay (3)

Select this checkbox to create the splay line shown as (3) in the illustration.

Create offshoots (4) and (5)

Select this checkbox to create the offshoots shown as (4) and (5) in the illustration.

Trim/extend (1) and (2)

Select this checkbox to trim or extend the original lines (1) and (2) to the splay start and end points.

Length (4)

Specify a length for offshoot (4). This determines the distance between the intersection point and the end of line (1).

Length (5)

Specify a length for offshoot (5). This determines the distance between the intersection point and the end of line (2).


Splay Pen

Select the pen for the splay line.

Splay Layer

Select the layer for the splay.

Splay Line type

Select the line type for the splay line.

Offshoots Pen

Select the pen for the offshoots lines.

Offshoots Layer

Select the layer for the offshoots lines.

Offshoots Line type

Select the line type for the offshoots lines.