Import Points

Import coordinate points from a file.







Survey COGO

This function allows you to import coordinate data from a file with a .dat extension. It displays the coordinate points on the drawing with point number and elevation. You can join the points, jump to points, and add new points, and export these points using the other functions in the COGO menu.

The format of the file is comma-delimited with the following data:

point number, horizontal coordinate, vertical coordinate, elevation and point description

Elevation and point description are optional.

An example is shown below.


The drawing must be in Surveyor Mode, or the program displays the following message and exits the function.

If the drawing is not in Surveyor Mode, you can change the coordinate system in Drawing Settings.

  1. The file browser displays. allowing you to select the .dat file containing the coordinate points you want to import.

  1. Browse for the file and click Open.

  2. The Data File Format window displays, allowing you to specify the data format and set the column widths.

  1. Specify the data format and adjust the column widths if you are importing fixed width columns by dragging the column headers until all the required data is shown for each column.

  2. Click OK to proceed.

  3. Once the points have been imported, the program displays the following message.

  1. The display zooms to show the imported points.