Select a rivet to be drawn in the current style. Refer to the Mechanical Setup for details on styles.
Description |
Rivet list |
Select the active rivet definition (the one you want drawn) from this list. |
Add |
Click to add a new rivet definition. |
Remove |
Click to delete the active rivet definition. Be aware that there is no undo if you delete a rivet definition by accident. |
Draw |
Side view |
Select this checkbox to draw a side view (elevation) of the rivet. |
Top view |
Select this checkbox to draw a top view (plan) of the rivet. |
Line Types |
Draw head as: Solid line/Hidden line |
Select the style in which to draw the head of the rivet. |
Draw shaft as: Solid line/Hidden line |
Select the style in which to draw the shaft of the rivet. |
Repeat |
Linear |
Select this option to linearly repeat the active rivet definition after the initial rivet has been drawn. |
Polar |
Select this option to radially repeat (drawn in a circular arrangement) the active rivet definition after the initial rivet has been drawn. Will only work for the Top View option. |
Number |
Specify how many times the rivet must be repeated. |
Distance |
Specify the distance in drawing units between repeated rivets. If Polar repeat has been selected, you can specify distance as spacing (the distance between rivet centre points) or as PCD (the rivet is repeated along a circle with the specified diameter). |
Dimensions |
Enter the relevant dimensions (in drawing units) to be used when drawing the pin. |
Left head type |
Select the type of head for the left side of the rivet |
Right head type |
Select the type of head for the right side of the rivet |
Automatically align the side view |
Select this checkbox to have the Side View, if generated, aligned with the Top View automatically. |