
Draw a link.



Shortcut Key





This function allows you to draw a predefined link, or specify and create a new link definition.

The Mechanical Setup option defines the default line styles and pens to use.

Make sure that the drawing units are set to "mm" (millimetres) before using the mechanical toolkit functions.


  1. The Link definition window displays.

  1. Once you have configured to settings, click OK to draw the specified link.

  2. You are prompted to:

Enter left centre point of link

  1. Indicate a point on the centre of the left end of the link.

  2. You are prompted to:

Enter a point on the Link centreline for rotation

  1. Indicate a point that will define the angle of the link centre line. The link is drawn from the first indicated point, at the angle defined by the second indicated point.

  1. You can continue drawing another link, or press [Esc] to end the function.