
Add a roof to the elevation.








This function allows you to add a roof once the elevations views have been completed.

Remember to set the roof parameters such as pitch, pen and line style before running this function.


  1. You are prompted to:

Select roofline on elevation's roof level (else spacebar to exit)

  1. You are prompted to:

  1. Click Yes if you have selected the correct line; or No to select again.

  2. You are prompted to:

Select nearest applicable parallel roofline on plan view for front gable or side gable

  1. Click on the face of the plan for which you want the roof drawn.

  1. You are prompted to:

Select face gable on plan view to draw side gable (else spacebar for face gable)

Side Gable

  1. If you select the side gable option, you must indicate the position of the side gable.

  1. The roof is drawn as follows.

Face Gable

  1. If you pressed [Spacebar] to select the face gable, you are prompted to:

Click Yes for a face gable. The roof is drawn as follows.

Click No for a hipped end the roof. This roof is drawn as follows.

Adding a face gable or hipped end to a side gable roof

If you want to add a combination of side gable and hipped end to the following elevation, the elevation must be generated in two steps.

  1. First you draw the end gable roof for the full length of the house by selecting the elevation's roof line here:

  1. Select the smaller side gable here:

  1. Now zoom in and select the elevation roof line representing the front portion of the house here:

  1. Now select the roofline on plan here:

  1. Press [Spacebar] for a face gable.

Or hipped roof.

  1. Similarly, you can combine multiple hipped roof profiles as shown below: