
Add a building cross-section.








This function allows you to draw cross-sections at user-defined positions.


Before you run this function you should set up the Cross Section parameters in the Architectural Design Setup:

Now run the function. Consider the example where you use a simple plan.

  1. You are prompted to indicate the position of the cross-section:

Indicate position of cross-section (else Esc to exit)

  1. Click at point A in the drawing to indicate where you want your cross-section to be drawn.

  2. You are prompted to:

Indicate inside face of external CLOSE WALL (else Esc to exit)

  1. Click on the inside of the external wall at point B.

By CLOSE wall and FAR wall, we mean the “start wall” and “end wall” for the cross-section.

  1. You are prompted to:

Indicate face of internal wall parallel to ext wall (else Esc for far ext wall)

  1. Select all internal walls that form part of the cross-section, until the last one is selected at point C. Press [Esc] to stop selecting internal walls.

  2. You are prompted to:

Indicate inside face of external FAR WALL (else Esc to exit)

  1. Click on the inside of the FAR external wall at point C.

  2. You are prompted to:

Indicate side of line you would like arrow heads placed (else Esc to exit)

  1. Click on either side of the cross-section line to indicate which way the section arrows should face. The side of the line that you place the arrowheads on also defines which “direction” through the cross-section you are looking at.

  2. The cross-section line is now drawn at the selected position.