Text Styles
Manage text styles in the drawing.
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Command |
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Toolbar |
Drawing, Settings |
This function allows you to view, edit and add text styles in the drawing. You can also set the current text style, which will be used for all new text entities.
Changes to the text style only take effect when you click OK.
- The Text Styles window displays.
Click on a text style name in the list and then click OK to set the current text style.
Add a New Text Style
To add a new text style:
Click Add.
- You are prompted to enter a name for the new text style. Type in the new name and click OK to accept the name.
- The new name is verified for uniqueness. If the name is already in use the following error is reported. Click OK and re-enter a new name.
The new text style appears in the text styles list and is selected. The properties of the currently selected style are copied to the new style.
- You can modify the styles properties.
You can specify the text height in drawing units, mm or inches. If the text height is specified in drawing units the text is scaled in layouts when you change drawing scale. If the text height is specified in mm or inches, it becomes annotative text which is always drawn in the specified size on paper regardless of scale.
This height can be overridden when entering text entities in the drawing. If the height is set to 0 then a default height (the last used height) will be used.
In the example below, the font is specified as Tahoma and the text height as 10mm on paper using the annotative text option. As you change the text style, the Sample window will be updates.
Set a Style as Current
To set the current text style, select a text style name in the list and click OK.
Remove a Style
To remove a text style from the list:
Click on the text style name in the list of text styles to select it. The Remove button becomes active if it is not the only text style available, or if the text style is not used in the drawing.
Click Remove.
- Confirm that you want to delete the style. Click Yes to remove the text style from the text style list; or No to return to the Text Styles.
Apply a Text Style
To apply a specific style or changes to the style:
Click Apply.
- The Apply Text Style options display. You can select the properties you want applied, and what you would like the text styles applied to.
- Click OK to accept the selected text style as the default style; or click Cancel to exit the default settings and discard any changes.