Line Styles
Manage the line styles in the drawing.
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This function allows you to manage the line styles in a drawing by means of the Line Styles window, which allows you to set the current line style, remove unused line styles, import new line styles and edit existing line styles. Line styles are saved with the drawing.
When you create a new drawing, it contains all the line styles in the Cad.lst linestyle definition file.
Three line style files are supplied:
Cad.lst - The standard line styles included in every new drawing.
TMH11.lst - Mapping type line styles.
Extras.lst - Other useful line styles.
You can create additional line styles using the LineStyle Editor.
If the master line style scale is not 1.0, the line styles are not drawn as true mm on paper.
Manage the line styles using the Line Styles Manager.
The Current line style in use in the drawing is displayed in the bottom left of the window. It also displays in red text in the line styles list.
Set Current Line Style
To change the current line style:
Select the new line style in the line styles list.
- Click Set Current.
- The new current line style is displayed in red text in the line styles list.
Remove Line Styles
To remove a line style from the drawing:
Select the line style to be removed in the line styles list. You can press [Shift] to select a range of objects; or press [Ctrl] to add individual objects to the selection.
- If the line style has not been used in the drawing, the Remove button becomes active.
Load Line Styles
To load all or selected line styles from a line style file (.lst):
Click Load.
- The file browser displays prompting you to select an existing drawing to scan for line style definitions.
Select a line style file, such as TMH11.lst.
Click Open.
- The Import Line Styles options display, listing the line style definitions in the .Ist file you selected.
- Select the line styles to be added by clicking in the checkbox; or selecting all the options by clicking Select All. Select None removes any selections you have made.
- Click OK to add the selected line styles to the end of the list in the Line Styles.
To import a line style from an existing drawing into the current drawing:
Click Import.
The file browser displays, prompting you to select an existing drawing to scan for line style definitions.
You can select which line styles you want to import, as described above.
- The master (or global) line style scale can be set by editing the scale value in the Master line style scale edit box. The example below is drawn with a line style scale of 1.0000.
The same rectangle is drawn with a line style scale of 5.0000.
The actual line style scale applied when drawing an entity is the product of the entity's line style scale and the master line style scale.