Displays a detailed summary of all components of your network, listing the following:
Number of each element i.e. nodes, pipes, reservoirs, pump stations, pumps, valves and pressure release chambers.
Average Demand due to connections (l/s) - This is the total demand on the network without applying any demand pattern or peak factors.
Additional Average Demand (l/s) -
Seasonal Peak Demand (l/s) - This is the total demand on the network multiplied by the peak factors.
Base Instantaneous Peak Demand (l/s) - This is the worst possible scenario where at each node, the demand is multiplied by the worst demand pattern factor as well as the peak factor, and added together to give a demand in l/s.
You can also display a summary of components in a group by selecting the group in the Group list.
You have the option to print the summary or save to a text file.