


Coordinate or Line of text

Select the appropriate option for what you would like printed.

Point name

Enter the name of the point whose data should be printed. Only available for the Coordinate option.

Line of text

Enter the line of text that should be printed. Only available for the Line of text option.


Enter the comment to be printed along with the point data. Only available for the Coordinate option.

Fieldbook page number

Enter the page number to be printed along with the point data. Only available for the Coordinate option.

Calculation page number

Enter the page number to be printed along with the point data. Only available for the Coordinate option.

Print Button

Click to print according to the current entries in the dialog. If Coordinate was selected the database will then be searched for the specified name. If found, it will be listed. If not found, the entry will be ignored and the next name requested.

Cancel Button

Click to end the function.


See Also YX, YXZ, YX + Comment, YXZ + Comment, YX + Page + Comment, YXZ + Page + Comment