Rain Gauges supply precipitation data for one or more subcatchment areas in a study region. The rainfall data can be either a user-defined time series, or come from an external file. Several different popular rainfall file formats currently in use are supported, as well as a standard user-defined format.

The principal input properties of rain gauges include:




Rain Gage Name

User-assigned rain gauge name.

Rain Gage Selector

Select the rain gauge to edit.


Click to add a new rain gauge to the project.


Click to delete a rain gauge from the project.


An optional comment or description of the rain gauge.

Rain Format

Format in which the rain data is supplied:

  • INTENSITY - Each rainfall value is an average rate in mm/hour, or inches/hour, over the recording interval.

  • VOLUME - Each rainfall value is the volume of rain that fell in the recording interval, in millimetres or inches.

  • CUMULATIVE - Each rainfall value represents the cumulative rainfall that has occurred since the start of the last series of non-zero values, in millimetres or inches.

Rain Interval

Time interval between gauge readings in decimal hours or hours:minutes format.

Snow Catch Factor

Factor that corrects gauge readings for snowfall.

Data Source

Source of rainfall data; either TIMESERIES for user-defined time series data or FILE for an external data file.


Series Name

Name of time series with rainfall data if Data Source selection was TIMESERIES. Click ... to open the Time Series Editor for the selected time series.


File Name

Name of external file containing rainfall data. Click Browse to search for the file.

Station Number

Recording gauge station number.

Rain Units

Depth units (IN or MM) for rainfall values in the file.

Rain Gauge Graph

Click to display a graph of the rain gauge data.

See Also SWMM Rainfall Files