Infiltration Editor

The Infiltration Editor allows you to specify the infiltration characteristics for the three supported infiltration formulae.

Horton Infiltration Method




Max Infiltration Rate

Maximum infiltration rate on the Horton curve (mm/hr or in/hr).

Min Infiltration Rate

Minimum infiltration rate on the Horton curve (mm/hr or in/hr). Equivalent to the saturated hydraulic conductivity. See the Soil Characteristics Table for typical values.

Decay Constant

Infiltration rate decay constant for the Horton curve (1/hours). Typical values range between 2 and 7.

Drying Time

Time in days for a fully saturated soil to dry completely. Typical values range from 2 to 14 days.

Max Infiltration Volume

Maximum infiltration volume possible (mm or inches, 0 if not applicable). Can be estimated as the difference between a soil's porosity and its wilting point times the depth of the infiltration zone.

Green-Ampt Infiltration Method




Suction Head

Average value of soil capillary suction along the wetting front (mm or inches).


Soil saturated hydraulic conductivity (mm/hr or in/hr).

Initial Deficit

Difference between soil porosity and initial moisture content (a fraction). The initial deficit for a completely drained soil is the difference between the soil's porosity and its field capacity.

Typical values for all of these parameters can be found in the Soil Characteristics Table.

Curve Number Infiltration Method




Curve Number

This is the SCS curve number, which is tabulated in the publication SCS Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds, 2nd Ed., (TR-55), June 1986.

Consult the SCS Runoff Curve Numbers Table for a listing of values by soil group, and the accompanying Soil Group Table for the definitions of the various groups.


The soil's saturated hydraulic conductivity in mm/hr or inches/hr.

Drying Time

The number of days it takes a fully saturated soil to dry. Typical values range between 2 and 14 days.