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Input Data

Specify the input data to output by selecting the associated checkboxes next to each report heading.


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Specify the quantities data to output by selecting the associated checkboxes next to each report heading.

Erf Connections

Specify the erf connection data to output by selecting the associated checkbox next to the Results report heading.

Input Data




Design Parameters

  • Inflow Method.

  • Manhole Conditions i.e. culvert inverts common, drops, or a specified step in manholes.

  • Minimum cover to culverts.

  • Minimum velocity in culverts.

  • Maximum velocity in culverts.

Node Data

The node, next node and overflow node names, branch and link numbers, Y and X coordinates, cover level, manhole bottom conditions, maximum inflow and maximum storage.

Link Data

Link type, sizes, bedding, number, length, fixed inlet level and fixed slope/fixed outlet level.

Inflow Data

Depending on the inflow method:

Unit Flow

Inflow classes and units, plus point source inflow.


Contributing units and point source inflow.


Inflow hydrograph names and units.






Active inflow method, number of nodes, outfall level and outflow.

Inflow Analysis

Depending on the inflow method:

Unit Flow

Total point source, infiltration, total infiltration, total inflow, contributing population, attenuation factor and design inflow.


Total point source, contributing units, contributing population, average inflow, peak factor, peak inflow, infiltration and design inflow.


Design inflow.

Flow Analysis

Link name, next link name, number of links, link type, calculated size, flow, capacity, velocity and percentage flow depth.

Overflow Analysis

Link name, next link name, inflow, point source inflow, design flow, actual flow, capacity and overflow.

Layout Analysis

Link name, next link name, number of culverts, link type, calculated size, length, slope, inlet level, outlet level and cover to link.

Hydraulic Grade

Link name, hydraulic grade level, cover level, soffit level, velocity and flow depth.





Excavation Lengths

Length of excavation in depth increments for each culvert type and diameter for soft, medium and hard materials.

Excavation Volumes

Excavation volumes in depth increments for each culvert type and diameter for soft, medium and hard materials.

Bedding Volumes

Bedding and backfill volumes for each bedding class.

Culvert Lengths

Cumulative lengths of each culvert type and size.

Manhole Depths

Number of manholes in each depth increment.

Erf Connections





Erf number, Length of erf, Boundary distance, Minimum ground level (MGL), Ground level at erf connection (GLC), Maximum invert level of sewer (MILS), Invert level of sewer(ILS), Invert level of erf connection (ILC), Difference between ILC and ILS, Type of connection, Minimum floor level, Depth of sewer below MGL, Depth of end of erf connection below GLC.

See Also Print