Volume Calculations

This topic explains the output generated by the Masshaul Volume and Cumulative Volume functions.


All volumes are calculated using the End-Area method.

Cut Volumes





This is the basic cut quantity from station to station. It is a volume (m3) calculated without taking topsoil striping or compaction factors into account.


The amount of topsoil to be stripped before cut. This is the volume (m3) of topsoil to be stripped on top of the Cut portion of the road from station to station.


The amount of bulking calculated (m3):

CP = (Basic - TS) * (100 - Compaction)/100


This is the cut volume including topsoil stripping and compaction.

Final Cut = Basic - TS - CP

Fill Volume





This is the basic fill quantity from Station to Station. It is a volume (m3) calculated without taking topsoil striping into account.


The amount of topsoil to be stripped before fill. This is the volume (m3) of topsoil to be stripped beneath the Fill portion of the road from station to station.


This is the fill volume including topsoil stripping:

Final Fill = Basic + TS


When using the Masshaul Volume function, these values will be:

Previous Volume + Final Fill - Final Cut

Negative volume will be written in the Cut column.


When using the Cumulative Volume function, the cut values and fill values will be added separately.


After clicking Results, the following output displays.

The Unadjusted volumes are the Total Cut (Tc) and Total Fill (Tf) without bulking, but including topsoil stripping.

The Topsoil to be stripped (Ts) is the total volume of topsoil to be stripped.

The Cut available for fill (CF) is:

 CF = Tc - Ts + bulking

The Excess cut (CS) is the Cut to Spoil quantity, which is:

  SC = CF - Tf

The Fill shortfall (FS) is the material to be imported, which is:

FS = Tf - CF

The area of Banks is calculated by multiplying the average of both cut and fill bank lengths of two consecutive cross sections with the distance between them. These Bank lengths are measured from the toe point (PLC 99 and -99) to the second last cross section points (PLC 98 and -98) as indicated by the red lines:

The Top soil cover quantity is the depth of topsoil available to be placed on the banks, which is:

cover = TS / Banks

Fill Slope Finishing, as specified in the COLTO guide, is the fill slope area for finishing. It is calculated by multiplying the average fill finishing slope length of two consecutive cross sections with the distance between them. This slope length must be measured from the bank toe point to the shoulder break point, indicated by the Red line in the figure below.

Cut Slope Finishing, as specified in the COLTO guide, is the cut slope area for finishing. It is calculated by multiplying the average cut finishing slope length of two consecutive cross sections with the distance between them. This slope length must be measured from the top of the cut slope to the cut slope toe point, indicated by the Green line in the figure above.