Road INDEX - General

Every road has certain basic chainage information, which controls circumstances at that point. In Civil Designer, this is called the Road 'INDEX' and you can access it under Index Tools.

Each chainage has a coordinate (probably) and a switched 'on or off' flag. It also knows which chainage came before it, which one will come next, and which layers have been acquired at that location.

At every chainage, each layer carries certain data items. These are the batter slopes, minimum bank lengths and indicators. By default, these items are added automatically. If you list a set of freshly produced design sections, you will find that all the values are shown as 0s. After applying a template in Area/Volumes, a listing now shows slopes and indicators with the relevant values in place.

Once this data is available in the index, you can perform re-runs just by drawing off this information. However, because you can edit and alter any of the items in the Index, a fully customisable road can be set up. For example, localised special slope conditions, frozen batters, switched off portions over bridges, allowances for daylighting and a variety of other circumstances.

See Also Road Index - Technical.