Trench Volumes

Calculate pipe trench volumes.



Shortcut Key






This function allows you to calculate the earthworks volume for the pipeline trench, broken up into various material types and for different pay depths. Trench lengths for each depth increment is also calculated.

You need to enter a start and end point name, the layer to use as a ground layer, the layers on which the various types of material are stored, the trench width, and the layer the pipeline invert is to be stored in.

You also have the option to set pay depth increments for calculation. Note that the entry is in increments and not actual depths.

After the information is entered, the routine produces a list of volumes for each depth increment from manhole to manhole.

To view the listing on the screen, make sure the Output window is open.


  1. The Trench Volumes options display.

  1. Fill in the relevant data and click OK.

  2. You can click Set Depths to display the Depth Categories for setting up pay depth increments.

  1. Fill in the relevant data and click OK.

  2. The following message displays.

  1. Click Yes to overwrite any existing data on the selected trench layer; or click No to continue with the calculation but not store the calculated trench layer in a road layer.