The validation window is displayed if the design criteria is active and the design does not satisfy the parameters.




Start PI Moved by X

The user moved the start PI by X meters. If X > 0 then the three options will be enabled.

Alter Start Chg

Select this checkbox to alter the start chainage of the road by X.

Shift Vertical and Edge points

Select this checkbox to keep the start chainage unchanged, but shift all the subsequent vertical PI and Edge level points by X.


Select this checkbox to not alter the start chainage, or shift the VPI and Edge points.

Curve Radius Table

PI column

This column indicates the PI names where no radii were found, or where transition curves are needed. This column is read only.

Curve Radius column

If a PI without a curve radius was found, this column will contain the minimum Design Criteria value. You can manually alter these values.

Alter R column

Select these checkboxes to change the associated radius to the value in the "Curve Radius" column. Unchecked values will not be updated.

Transition curves Column

If a transition curves are needed, this column will contain the minimum transition length according to Design Criteria. You can manually alter these values.

Alter Tr Column

Select these checkboxes to change the associated transition lengths to the value in the "Transition curves" column. Unchecked values will not be updated.

Always IGNORE check box

Select this checkbox to always ignore everything in the spreadsheet. No radius and transition length changes will be made to the Horizontal Alignment spreadsheet.

Alter button

Select this checkbox to alter the checked values in the Horizontal Alignment spreadsheet, and perform the PI shifting.

Ignore button

Click to not perform the selected changes.

See Also Edit Horizontal Alignment