


Superelevation for curve

Enter the maximum superelevation in the curve.

Superelevation into curve

Super development length in (L)

Enter the length over which superelevation should be developed going into the curve.

% development length before BCC

Enter the percentage of the development length that should be applied before the BCC (normally 2/3 of the total length or 66.667%).

Superelevation out of curve

Super runoff length out (L)

Enter the length over which superelevation should be run out exiting the curve.

% runoff length after ECC

Enter the percentage of the runout length that should be applied after the ECC (normally 2/3 of the total length or 66.667%).

Round up to nearest (e)

Enter a rounding factor for the superelevation (e). This factor will be used to round the super elevation up to the closest factor of this value.

Round up to nearest (L)

Enter a rounding factor for the development length (L). This factor will be used to round the development length up to the closest factor of this value.

First Record button or Last record button.

Click these buttons to move to the first or last horizontal curve.

Next or Previous buttons

Click to move to the next or previous horizontal curve.

Search button

Click to search for a specific curve number.

Recalculate All button

Click to recalculate the superelevation grades and development lengths according to the design criteria for all the curves.

Recalculate button

Click to recalculate the superelevation grade and development lengths according to the design criteria for this curve only.

Close button

Click to close the dialog and do the necessary alterations to the edge levels spreadsheet.

See Superelevation Design Process for an explanation.

See Also Slave Super