Screen Layout

The image below shows the program interface.

Your layout may not look exactly like this as we have enabled a number of optional items in order to display the relevant screen elements.

Specific areas of importance have been marked on the image. Click on the letter markers to jump to the corresponding description in the table below.


Screen Element






Access various program functions by selecting menu items. Top


Tabbed Toolbar

Tabbed style toolbar with multiple tabbed toolbars.  Top


Pen, Layer, Line Style, Width and Height

Buttons, combo boxes and edit fields where you can change drawing settings on the fly.  Top


Prompt/Control Bar Area

Displays prompts while working. For more complicated procedures, it displays a combination bar consisting of its own prompt area and various buttons, etc. for configuring settings while working. An example of such a bar is shown below:

The bar is attached to the top of the main window below the top toolbar(s). Top



User-defined bars containing shortcut buttons for various functions.

Toolbars can be docked on any edge of the main window, or can be floating. Some of the buttons on the toolbars have additional toolbars called flyout toolbars, which can be activated  by clicking and holding the left mouse button on the toolbar button, or by right clicking on the toolbar button. These are indicated by black arrows in the corner of the button.

If the mouse cursor is hovered over a toolbar button,  help description for that button displays in the Scale/Paper Indicator area. If held over the button long enough, a tooltip window also displayed. Top


Control Centre

Displays information relating to the current drawing, design entities, etc. Top


Control Centre Module Tabs

Allow you to change the Control Centre display to show CAD and active design module information. Top



Properties Bar

Allows you to quickly change various properties of the currently selected entity or entities. If no entity is selected, the Property Bar shows,and enables changes to, the current drawing settings (Pen, Layer, Line Style, Width and Height). Top


Drawing Tabs

Shows all the open drawings/project.

You can choose to use the Multiple Document Interface style drawing layout in the System Settings. Top


Drawing Area

Where all drawing takes place. If the drawing area is subdivided into viewports, the active viewport (the one you can draw in) is outlined in yellow. Top


Drawing/Layout Tabs

For each drawing, there is one drawing page and multiple layout pages. Layout pages are used for printing and normally contain some sort of view of the data in the drawing page. These tabs are used to switch between the drawing page and any existing layout page. Right-clicking a tab opens a menu with options to insert new layout pages; or to delete existing layouts. Top


Scale Bar

Provides a reminder of scale relative to the drawing zoom.

This is the normal view:

Displays if you are working on a layer with a magnification factor:

The second value ("/10") shows the effective scale of the magnified layer, while the first value continues to display the global drawing scale. If you are working on a magnified layer, the Scale Bar displays in green. Top


Output Bar/Window

Displays information relevant to certain tasks, as well as design results. Top


Paper/Scale Indicator

Shows the current drawing scale and paper size. Civil Designer works in a particular scale on a particular paper size, which are both user selectable.  Top


Lock Indicator

Displays the current cursor lock angle, if any. Top


Cursor Coordinate

Displays the current position of the mouse or digitiser cursor in X (horizontal), Y (vertical) and Z (elevation) planes. Top


Filter Toggle

Toggles the selection filter on/off. When toggling on, the entity selection filter is displayed which allows you to specify in detail what types of entity may be part of a selection set. Top


Visual Snap Toggle

Toggles the display of the Visual Snap indicator. When using a drawing function in conjunction with a snap mode (other than Freehand snap mode) with this toggled on, a small marker is displayed to indicate where the snap point would be if you clicked with the left mouse button or the first digitiser button. Top


DP/3D Snap Toggle

Toggles between snapping on the current drawing plane and snapping to a 3D coordinate. Normally the snap modes pick up the current elevation from the entity on which the snap is made. With DP snap toggled on, the elevation is determined by projecting the snap point onto the drawing plane. Top


DP/World Coordinate Toggle

Toggles the Cursor Coordinate between displaying coordinates relative to the current drawing plane and true 3D coordinates. Top


Keyboard Indicators

Shows if Caps Lock/Num Lock is on/off. Top