Break a compound entity into its lowest component entities.
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This function allows you to select a compound entity and separate it down to its lowest component entities.
The following entities are component entities and cannot be broken down further:
3D Solid
3D Face
Solid Hatches or Gradient Hatches
XRefs - You have to bind an XRef first before it can be exploded
Tolerance Entity
The shape below has been made into a block. It consists of a polygon and the cross made up of lightweight polylines.
The first example shows the Explode Once option so that you can see the difference between Explode Once and Repeatedly Explode.
Select the compound entities by clicking them, or use any of the entity selection methods from the Edit menu to select more than one entity.
If you explode the selection once, it is broken down into two components:
The polygon shown selected below.
The lightweight polyline cross shown selected below.
To explode the compound entity into its lowest component entities, select the entities.
Select Tools ► Repeatedly Explode or right-click the icon in the Tools toolbar. The compound entities are now broken down to the their lowest form, in this case line entities.