Draw an arc or line over geometry.
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Command |
Shortcut Key |
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Drawing |
This function allows you to trace over geometry arcs and line elements by indicating the geometry element to be traced, and then indicating the start and end points of each geometry element. The end point of one entity becomes the start point of the next.
Indicate geometry
Position the cursor near the element to be filled and click to select it.
Indicate start position of line
Click to select to start position. The line is now locked to the geometry line.
You are prompted to:
Indicate end position of line
Click to select the end position. The line is drawn in and the function repeats.
You can now select the next geometry element to fill by clicking near it. The trace over is attached to the last end point.
To trace over a geometry circle you select the circle by clicking near the element.
The line is now locked to the geometry circle.
You are prompted to:
You can change the direction the circle is drawn in using the Drawing direction dropdown list.
The direction has changed in the example below.