Use this bar to display and modify the properties of selected entities.
Description |
Entity type |
This drop- down list displays the types of entities in the selection. If only one entity is selected, as shown above, then the type of the entity is shown here and that entity's properties are displayed in the grid. If more than one entity is selected, the different types of entities are listed with the total count of each type. Select an entity type from the dropdown list to show the shared properties for entities of that type. |
Categories button |
Click to arrange the properties by category. |
Alphabetic Sort button |
Click to arrange the properties in alphabetic order. No category headings will be displayed. |
Property grid |
The properties of the selected entity or entities are displayed in a two column grid. The left column lists the property names. The right column lists property values which can be edited unless they are displayed in gray, which means they are read-only or calculated values. To edit a property, click on the property value in the right side column. Depending on the type of property, you can edit the value in an edit box or select it from a dropdown list. Colour properties have a colour selector which is activated by clicking on the property value with either mouse button. Vertex index and Face index properties have a special vertex navigator to select the relevant vertex or face. In addition, the properties list for some entities have one or more action buttons. Clicking on the action button performs the action as indicated on the button. |
Property Description panel |
Displays a short description of the currently selected property. |
The Properties
Bar can be dragged to dock on either the left or right side of the main
window, or it can be floated.
Set the attributes in the same way as the edit dialogs and the data spreadsheet.
Description |
Layer | The drawing layer the sewer node is displayed on. |
Node y-Coord | The Y coordinate of the node. |
Node X-Coord | The X coordinate of the node. |
Cover Level | The level of the top of the sewer node, usually that of the manhole cover. |
Id | The database id of the node. |
Name | The 25-character alpha-numeric name of the node. |
Type | Select from the dropdown list of node types defined in Edit ► Default ► Settings ► Node Types. |
Angle | Type in the rotation angle of the node symbol. A positive angle will rotate in the counter-clockwise direction and a negative angle will rotate in the clockwise direction. |
Auto Angle | Select this checkbox to align the node symbol to the outgoing link. |
Align Angle | Click this button
to graphically indicate an existing entity to align the node symbol
to. You can align the angle with existing lines, polylines and
road entities.
Min Cover | Specify a minimum cover to the outgoing link at this node. |
MH Condition | The state of the node invert. This can be one of the following settings:
Fixed Invert | Specify a fixed invert level for the node. This will override the minimum cover condition. |
Max Inflow | The flow into the link can be limited to a specific value, regardless of the capacity of the link. This can be caused by the size of the inlet structure. |
Max Storage | If no overflow node is specified, the analysis module will assume that excess link flows will be taken up in some form of local storage i.e. a surge tank. In many instances, you would want to take a specified volume of flow up in local storage, and then pass the excess flow on to an overflow node. |
Invert Level | The calculated invert level of the node. |
Node Depth | The calculated depth of the node i.e. the difference between the cover level and the calculated invert level. |
Text H-Offset | The horizontal offset of the node annotation origin from the node centre. |
Text V-Offset | The vertical offset of the node annotation origin from the node centre. |
The node symbols are defined in SewerSymbols.dwg. In order for the symbol orientation to work correctly with the Auto and Align node angle options, the symbol must be drawn aligned in the vertical plane. For instance, an arrow symbol must be drawn as follows:
The bottom of the symbol will point in the direction of the outgoing link in the Auto option or in the specified direction (angle) in the Align option.
Description |
Layer | The drawing layer the link is displayed on (read only). |
Vertex | Click the property to display and edit the vertices of the link. Use the arrow to move along the list of vertices. |
Y-Coord | The Y coordinate of the current vertex. |
X-Coord | The X coordinate of the current vertex. |
Id | The database id of the link (read only). |
Name | The 25-character alpha-numeric link name. |
Next Node Name | The name of the inlet node of the link. |
Node Name | The name of the outlet node of the link. |
Link Type | The link type can be selected from a dropdown list. These names are specified in the Link Tables. |
Diameter/Link Width | The diameter
of the link in millimetres if it is a pipe. The diameter is selected
from a dropdown list. Items on the list are input in the Link
If the diameter is 0, the calculation module will select the best size. |
Link Height | The optional height of a box, portal or custom culvert in millimetres. The height is selected from a dropdown list. Items on the list are input in the Link Tables. |
Bedding | The bedding class for this link. The class is selected from a dropdown list. Items on the list areinput in the Bedding Classes. |
Fixed Slope | Specify the fixed slope for a link as a percentage. |
Fixed ratio Slope | Specify the fixed slope of a link as a ratio of 1:x. |
Inlet Level | The calculated inlet level of the link (read only). |
Outlet Level | The calculated outlet level of the link (read only). |
Length | The calculated length of the link (read only). |
Slope | The calculated slope of the link as a percentage (read only). |
Ratio Slope | The calculated slope of the link as a ratio of 1:x (read only). |
Flow | The calculated flow in the link in l/s (read only). |
Capacity | The calculated capacity of the link in l/s (read only). |
Flow Depth | The calculated proportional flow depth (read only). |
Velocity | The calculated velocity of the link in m/s (read only). |
Full-bore velocity | The calculated full-bore velocity of the link in m/s (read only). |
Top Text X-Offset | The horizontal offset of the top link annotation text relative to the link orientation. |
Top Text Y-Offset | The vertical offset of the top link annotation text relative to the link orientation. |
Bottom Text X-Offset | The horizontal offset of the bottom link annotation text relative to the link orientation. |
Bottom Text Y-Offset | The vertical offset of the bottom link annotation text relative to the link orientation. |
Description |
Layer | The drawing layer the connection is displayed on (read only). |
Link Y-Coord | The Y coordinate of the link. |
Link X-Coord | The X coordinate of the link. |
ErfCon Y-Coord | The Y coordinate of the erf connection. |
ErfCon X-Coord | The X coordinate of the erf connection. |
MGL Y-Coord | The Y coordinate of the minimum or lowest ground level on an erf. |
MGL X-Coord | The X coordinate of the minimum or lowest ground level on an erf. |
MGL | The current minimum or lowest ground level of the erf. |
ErfCon Length | The length of the erf connection. |
MILS | Maximum or highest invert level of the sewer. This is the highest invert level the municipal sewer can have at the plan position of the property connection Y-piece in relation to the MGL on a property. The actual invert level of the designed sewer at a connection Y-piece position must then be equal to or lower that the MILS. |
ILS | The invert level of the link at the connection point. These invert levels should be equal to or lower than the MILS. |
ILC | This is the highest level at which the connection can be in order to be able to drain the property in relation to the MGL. |
Diff ILC-ILS | The height difference between Invert Level of Sewer (ILS) at the Y-piece and the Invert Level of the Connection (ILC) at the end of the connection. |
Con Type | Type of connection in terms of the difference between ILC and ILS, as defined in the Connection Types. |
Min Floor Lvl | Minimum or lowest possible floor level of all buildings or structures to be built on a property which requires drainage in relation to MGL. |
Id | The database id of the connection. |
Name | The 25-character alpha-numeric connection name. |
Link Name | The name of the link. |
Drain Length | The length of the drain. |
Bound Dist | The boundary distance of the erf. |
Con Dist | The connection distance. |
Position | The method that the connection distance from the sewer main is used in the calculations depends on the Sewer position.
Min Cover Con | The minimum distance from the ground line to the top of the connection at the connection point to the link. |
Min Cover Head | The minimum distance from the ground line to the top of the connection at the head of the connection. |
Con Diam | The diameter of the connection in millimetres. |
Slope (%) | The fixed slope for the erf connection link specified as a percentage (%). |
Ratio Slope | The fixed slope for the erf connection link specified as a ratio of 1:x. |
Text H-Offset | The horizontal offset text. |
Text V-Offset | The vertical offset text. |
MGL Text X-Offset | The minimum or lowest ground level text x-offset. |
MGL Text Y-Offset | The minimum or lowest ground level text y-offset. |