Specify the annotation settings for the Mechanical Toolkit.




Weld Annotation

Layer name

Specify the name of the layer on which weld annotation should be generated. This layer is created if it does not already exist. Leave this entry blank to use the current drawing layer (no new layer is created).

Text size

Specify the text size (in mm on paper) for weld annotation text.

Arrowhead Length

Specify the length (in mm on paper) for the arrowhead in weld annotation.

Surface Finish Annotation

Layer name

Specify the name of the layer on which surface finish annotation should be generated. This layer is created if it does not already exist. Leave this entry blank to use the current drawing layer (no new layer is created).

Text size

Specify the text size (in mm on paper) for surface finish annotation text.

Datum Annotation

Layer name

Specify the name of the layer on which datum annotation should be generated. This layer is created if it does not already exist. Leave this entry blank to use the current drawing layer (no new layer is created).

Text size

Specify the text size (in mm on paper) for datum annotation text.

All annotations are drawn in the current pen colour at the time of creation.