


Number of lines plotted/labelled in a long section and cross section

Enter the maximum number of lines that can be generated when plotting a long or cross-section. The default is 20.

Interpolate long section level for 0 values

If this checkbox is selected then, when plotting long sections and a zero level is encountered for a chainage, the level at that chainage will be interpolated from the nearest chainages on either side that do have levels.

Ignore 0 values when plotting Long Sections

If this checkbox is selected, then all zero values will be ignored when plotting road long sections. Long Section lines will be drawn between non-zero points and zero points will not be annotated.

Split height labels into two at the decimal point

If this checkbox is set then, when generating a plot with heights displayed, the height for a point will be shown as two distinct text entities separated at the decimal point. This is useful for where the height is obscured by say a symbol inserted at the point and you wish to move the values apart for clarity.