View and manage external drawing references in the drawing.
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An external drawing reference is a reference to a drawing file that is displayed in the current drawing, but does not form part of it.
It is similar to inserting another drawing into the current drawing but the inserted drawing remains in a separate file, hence the name "external drawing reference".
This function is used to manage (add, remove, unload, load all or unload all) the external drawing files.
To manage (add, remove, unload, load all or unload all) XRefs in a drawing:
Click Add. The file browser displays and you can now browse for a DR4, DWG or DXF file. Select a drawing file and click Open.
Select the file you want to remove.
Click Remove and the file is deleted.
Select the file you want to unload.
Click Unload and the file will be shown in red text.
Note that the
Unload button changes to a Load button.
Click Load All to load all the unloaded files.
Click Unload All to unload all the unloaded files.
When an XRef is out of date, i.e. the XRef drawing file has been updated since it was last loaded in the current drawing, the XRef name will be drawn in an orange colour and the XRef needs reload icon will appear to the left of it. This indicates that the XRef as it appears in your current drawing may not be an accurate (up to date) representation of the XRef drawing file.