Select by Polygon
Select all visible, selectable entities that fall inside an indicated
box or polygon, or which cross the box or polygon.
Icon |
Command |
Shortcut Key |
Toolbar |
Main |
This function allows you to select entities which fall
inside the selection box/polygon; or pass through the selection box/polygon.
Select all entities inside
a box by dragging the mouse from
left to right over the entities you want selected. The rubberbanding
selection box is drawn with solid
lines to indicate that all entities inside the box will be
Select all entities inside
a polygon by dragging the mouse from
left to right over the entities you want selected. The rubberbanding
selection box is drawn with solid
lines to indicate that all entities inside the box will be
Select all entities crossing
a box or polygon by dragging the mouse from
right to left over the entities you want selected. The rubberbanding
selection box is drawn with dashed
lines to indicate that all entities crossing the box will be
select entities that fall inside the selection box/polygon or pass through
the selection box/polygon:
Select Edit
► Select by Polygon.
- You are prompted to:
Indicate polygon around elements
to be selected
- You have the option to select all visible, selectable drawing entities
inside the selection box/polygon; or all visible, selectable drawing
entities which fall inside the selection box/polygon or cross the
selection box/polygon.
Select Entities
Inside a Box
select the visible, selectable entities that fall inside the selection
Click to indicate the top left-hand
corner of the selection set.
- You are prompted to:
Indicate next point of polygon
(Right click to finish with rectangle)
The selection box rubberbands. Drag
the mouse from left to right. The box is drawn around the entities
with solid lines to indicate that all the entities inside the box
will be selected.
- Right-click to display the popup menu and select Finish
to indicate that you want a selection box and not a selection polygon.
- All the entities that fall inside the selection box are selected.
Select Entities Crossing the Selection Box
To select the visible/selectable entities
that cross the selection box:
Click the bottom right-hand corner
of the selection set.
- You are prompted to:
Indicate next point of polygon
(Right click to finish with rectangle)
- The selection box rubberbands. Drag the mouse from right to left. The box is indicated
with dashed lines to indicate that all entities crossing the box will
be selected.
- Right-click to display the shortcut menu and select Finish
to indicate that you want a selection box and not a selection polygon.
- All the entities that fall inside or are crossed by the selection
box are selected.
Select Entities Inside a Polygon
To select visible/selectable
entities that fall inside the selection polygon:
Click to indicate the top left-hand
corner of the selection set.
- You are prompted to:
Indicate next point of polygon
(Right click to finish with rectangle)
- The selection box rubberbands. Click to indicate the next point
of the polygon.
- You are prompted to:
Indicate next point of polygon
(Right click to finish with rectangle)
- Continue to click to indicate the desired selection polygon. The
selection box will disappear after the third click since this indicates
that you intend to use a selection polygon and not a selection box.
The polygon drawn around the selection is drawn with solid lines to
indicate that all entities inside the polygon will be selected.
- Right-click to display the shortcut menu and select Finish
to indicate that you have finished. Everything that falls inside
the selection polygon is now selected.
Entities Crossing a Polygon
To select all visible, selectable drawing entities crossing the selection
Click in the bottom right-hand
corner of the selection set.
- You are prompted to:
Indicate next point of polygon
(Right click to finish with rectangle)
- Drag the mouse from right to left, the selection box will rubberband
and will be indicated with dashed lines to indicate that all entities
crossing the box will be selected.
- Click to indicate the next point of the polygon and you will be
Indicate next point of polygon
(Right click to finish with rectangle)
- Continue to click to indicate the desired selection polygon. The
selection box will disappear after the third click since this indicates
that you intend to use a selection polygon and not a selection box.
The polygon drawn around the selection is drawn with dashed lines
to indicate that everything that falls within and is crossed by the
selection polygon will be selected.
- Right-click to display the shortcut menu and select Finish
to indicate that you have finished inserting the selection polygon.
Everything that falls inside the selection polygon is now selected.
- Right-click on the screen and select Quit
to end the function. Press [Esc].