Draw single line entities.
Icon |
Command |
Shortcut Key |
Toolbar |
Drawing |
This function allows you to draw a series of single line entities by indicating the start and end points.
You can use the [Up], [Down], [Left] and [Right] keys to draw the line at a set direction and a set length. You can also position the line by a measurement and angle by entering the first point and then using the Polar snap by pressing [P]. You can enter the exact coordinates for the point by using the Coordinate snap by pressing [U].
Indicate start position of line
You are prompted to:
Indicate end position of line
Drag the line to the required position and press [Enter] or click on the position to enter the line.
The function repeats so you are again prompted to:
Indicate start position of line
Right-click the screen and select Quit to end the function. Alternatively, press [Esc].